Tchap is an instant messaging service for communications between French government agents, to exchange information on the move or from an office workstation.
Tchap allows you to chat by two-person and group messages, and to share files like any instant messaging service, with an integrated directory of user agents, simultaneous use on multiple devices and confidentiality of private exchanges.
Agents can invite external people into a professional conversation.
The application needs the USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT permission to ensure that our users can effectively receive call notifications even when their devices are locked.
Cette version de Tchap apporte la nouveauté suivante :
- Connexion des utilisateurs avec ProConnect
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Fixed crash on Android 6 and 7 when opening a room.
- Support for authenticated media APIs with antivirus.
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Fixed the crash when the application version before the update is lower than 2.10.3. Request to reconnect the user.
- Display of responses following the update of Tchap Web.
This version of Tchap brings the following new feature:
- Addition of a password policy on manual key export.
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Change of URLs for the T&Cs and privacy policy.
This version of Tchap brings the following new feature:
- Activation of video calls for all instances.
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Activation of video calls for Intradef.
- Modification of the comment when you activate access to a room by link.
- Fixed the crash when you receive or make a call on Tchap.
This version of Tchap brings the following new feature:
- Fixed the crash on Android 14 when receiving a call on Tchap.
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Activation of video calls for Education.
- Addition of a description for the account notifications setting.
- Improve the explanation for generating a new recovery code.
- Make it easier to access help on device verification.
- Improve the explanation for a user wanting to join a salon without authorization.
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Activation of video calls for DINUM.
- Fixed the microphone problem on Android 14.
- Improved the content reporting path.
- Updated the style when a user is mentioned.
- Fixed the crash when launching the application on Android 5 and 6.
- Fixed the crash when a member's avatar image is too large.
This version of Tchap brings the following new features:
- Updated library for audio calls.
- Added a default link for rooms without aliases accessible by link.
Cette mise à jour corrige une anomalie observée lors de la création d'un nouveau forum.